Starting Your Own Water Business? You Need to Look at Commercial Water Purification Systems

Commercial Water Purification Systems by WaterIcon

No matter what type of water-based business you may have in mind, you will need to consider commercial water purification systems to ensure the purity of the liquid. There are various ways to purify and filter water to make it safe for the general public and your consumers but at least one of them needs to be employed in your business practice to ensure regulatory health licenses.

According to the South African National Bottled Water Association (SANBWA), the quality of the water you decide to bottle and sell is regulated by the South African Department of Health and is among the most stringent in the world. Along with many other health regulations, you will also have to meet packaging, labelling, environmental, and product safety requirements. If you are still serious about opening your own water business, allow the leaders in water purification, WaterIcon, to inform you of three water filtration systems that you might want to consider.

3 Commercial Water Purification Systems

Here are three commercial water purification systems you need to be aware of:

  1. Sequestration Filtration Systems: Sequestration is the process of chemically isolating substances.  Food-grade polyphosphate may be used to sequester calcium or magnesium minerals in scale-inhibiting filters. However, since only small amounts of polyphosphate are released into the water, the filter acts more as an inhibiter rather than an eradicator. If you are in an area where alkalinity levels are high, water-softening applications such as ion exchange should be implemented.

Starting your own water business is a huge responsibility, not only for you but also for the consumers who will be enjoying your products. Contact us at WaterIcon. We will investigate your needs, discuss the various forms of commercial water purification systems available with you, combine our skills, and offer you the perfect solution for your new venture.