Chlor-Alkali Industry
Demin Plant – 20M3/HR

Problem Statement
A leading Manufacturer of Chlor–Alkali derivatives in South Africa required ultrapure water for their manufacturing process. The previous plant was old (resin ion exchange technology) and could no longer meet the correct quality. The client had also not allowed for this in their capital approval and therefore needed a solution which catered to this dilemma.
Watericon provided the client with a new Demin plant which included operations and maintenance of the plant on a rental/lease basis where the client pays a tariff for the water.

Performance Target
- 20 m3/hr
- Conductivity < 0.1 us/cm

- Filtration
- Reverse Osmosis

Technology that utilises RO in combination with CEDI units are replacing the old ion-exchange demineralisation systems.