Power Industry
Case Study – Ultra Pure Water

Problem Statement
Eskom approached Watericon to supply equipment that will treat raw water at aspecific power station. Previous revision allowed for treatment of clarified waterbut after the site inspection, it was concluded that it would be extremely difficult to get clarified water, and easier to tie-in to the point of the raw water. The objective of the project is to supply the power station with demin water at the right quantity and quality.
- Quantity ~ 175-200 m3/hr
- Quality – < 0.1 us/cm (conductivity) or > 10 MΏ/cm² (resistivity)
The solution was not stipulated by Eskom and is for Watericon to advise basedon equipment with the shortest possible lead times. This entails using acombination of Ultrafiltration (UF), Sand filters, Reverse Osmosis (RO) andcontinuous electro-deionization (CEDI)

Performance Target
The treated water needs to comply to the site specifications
- pH – 5 to 9.7
- EC – < 0.1 is/cm (conductivity)
or > MΏ/cm² (resistivity)

- Ultrafiltration
- Reverse Osmosis
- Continuous electro-dionization (CEDI)

Supply, installation and operationof the plant with a team ofoperators and a site supervisor forthe required period. Plant built andinstalled in record time.

Typical Plant Feed
Raw water, limited water laboratory analysis was submitted by the client.
Below are some of the key parameters.
- pH – 7.54
- EC – 300 us/cm
- Turbidity ~ 24 NTU
- Biological Activity – Not Provided