Chemical Industry

Primary Brine Purification Process Plant – 4.2MLD

Problem Statement

Our client’s agricultural division had been having a problem with the quality of the water produced by its processes. The water quality was not meeting the municipal discharge specifications, therefore they contacted Watericon to seek a solution. When the water was tested it was found to contain Manganese, Fluoride, and Iron, there was also a problem with the colour of the water, turbidity as well as COD levels.


In order to treat the water, the Watericon engineers designed a Wastewater Treatment Plant consisting of chemical pre-treatment, followed by primary slow dual-media and secondary slow activated carbon filtration complete with chemical dosing for the addition of chemicals at certain pre-determined stages of the treatment process.

Typical Plant Feed

  • Municipal tap water

Performance Target

  • Turbidity removal – 98.4 %,
  • COD removal – 80.2%
  • Removal effeciencies – 96.4% and 93.7%


  • Raw water storage and pumping
  • Reaction vessels
  • Flocculation
  • Settling
  • Filtration
  • Chemical dosing system


These results prove that the processes designed by the Watericon engineers bring excellent and sustainable results.