Construction Industry

Problem Statement
Our client requested Watericon’s assistance with the scoping and refurbishment of 2 x water treatment containers that have been poorly maintained and possibly non-operational in the last 6-12 months. The project was based in the Limpopo region.
Watericon, together with the client’s team stripped the majority of the components, compiled a comprehensive list of what was required and swiftly procured all the necessary parts locally and internationally.

Typical Plant Feed
- Brackish borehole water

Performance Target
- Plant successfully refurbished and commissioned
- 35-45 m3/hr water production per container ~ 90 m3/hr total
- Recovery of 70-75%
- TDS reduction of > 98%

- Borehole water from multiple sources with high conductivity (estimated feed TDS of 2000-3000)
- Low pressure feed pump
- High flow cartridges in series (20 micron 🡪 5 micron)
- Anti-scalant dosing
- Toray brackish water RO membranes

How Our Client benefitted
Watericon will assist our clients in whichever way they require. Our flexible, customer-centric approach means we will go the extra mile to ensure that our clients’ projects are successful. Whether our clients require a complete rapid-deploy containerized plant or a rapid-deploy team who can lead a swift refurbishment and optimization of such a plant, our commitment is unfaltering.
Watericon’s experience and expertise makes us a valuable asset in any water related project.