Food & Beverage

Problem Statement
Our client installed a new canning line and their choice of sanitisation for the cooker/cooler and cooling tower water was ClO2. This was based on their sanitisation success with ClO2 at other plants in the group.
Sanitisation was effected via the installation of an automatic ClO2 three precursor generator and controlled via a 4-20 MA monitor and smart pump. Dosage is affected into the cooling tower water with a stable residual being maintained. As the micro parameters of the water inside the cooker coolers are closely monitored by the Q/C at the plant, these were found to be in spec all the time.
The micro control parameters in this industry are set high in order to eliminate bacteria entering the cans in the cooling section which would result in costly wasted product and customer trade complaints.

Typical Plant Feed
- Municipal supply

Performance Target
- TBC < 100
- CFU < 0

- On-site ClO2 generation

- ClO2- is not pH reliant such as other oxidisers like chlorine;
- ClO2- reacts to kill pathogens in minutes as opposed to hours offering the advantage of treating a running water supply effectively.
- ClO2- will not result in immunities eliminating the need to alternate biocides such as non-oxidisers.