Water treatment for the
Power Generation Industry
Effective water treatment solutions for the power industry.
Watericon provides water treatment plants and services for power generators, treating boiler-feed and cooling tower water, to minimise corrosive deposits and increase life span.
The power industry is competitive and with environmental regulations becoming more stringent, power generators need smart solutions.
Power plant water treatment minimises corrosive deposits and extends the lifespan of plants, while also improving efficiency and reducing waste.
Watericon ensures water quality requirements in the power industry are met by providing a consistent source of water for power generators, treating boiler-feed and cooling tower water, condensate polishing and eliminating environmental discharge
Boiler feed-water treatment
The boiler house is the most important part of an industrial power plant. Because they are used 24/7, treatment of boiler feed-water is key to successful operation. Boiler systems are constructed primarily of carbon steel that is particularly susceptible to corrosion.
It is critical for water used for steam generation to be free of impurities, minerals and suspended particles, to achieve maximum life out of its boilers, steam turbines, condensers, and pumps, while reducing maintenance expenses.
Condensate polishing
This involves ion exchange technology to reduce suspended solids and trace dissolved minerals that cause corrosion and downtime. This process prevents premature chemical failure and corrosive deposits from leading to inefficiencies and possible mechanical damage.
Cooling towers with electric generators require a consistent, reliable source of water that is cost-effective and sustainable. Treatment of cooling water reduces corrosion in the cooling tower and in the blowdown systems. This extends the life of cooling equipment and cleaner water is discharged into the environment.