The Importance of Private and Commercial Water Filtration Systems

Water Filtration Systems by WaterIcon

Whether it is for private or commercial use, there are occasions when water filtration systems are required to further purify the liquid fed from municipal distribution points. In South Africa, most municipal water supplied to the public is healthy to drink. However, in the food and beverage and related industries, or in private households where family members have low immune systems, the fluid needs additional filtering.  

In these instances, chlorine is used to keep the fluid free from bacteria and other germs, and ensure levels are brought down to acceptable limits. In others, minerals causing scale deposits need to be removed. For this, there are water filtration systems that are used both domestically and in industry to ensure that the levels of purity are maintained.

Private Water Filtration Systems – As important as Commercial Ones

Sand, charcoal, cottonwool, and cloth filters or combinations of these materials, sometimes called variations of sedimentation filters, have been used to purify water for domestic use for centuries. In cases where homes offer sanctuary to post-chemotherapy patients, kidney donors or recipients, and others, it is essential that the water they drink is as pure as possible.

Chlorine and limescale minerals are only two of the many contaminants that need to be removed from the liquid that is going to be ingested by these individuals. Although the methods and some materials have advanced exponentially with modern sciences, many of these basic sedimentation filtration methods are still used today and have evolved into very effective ways of purifying drinking water.

Reverse Osmosis for Commercial Water Filtration

When it comes to commercial water filtration systems, reverse osmosis remains one of the most effective ways of purifying the liquid. In the pharmaceutical, beer brewing, and water bottling industries, for example, where the purity of the fluid is tested regularly, this method is most successful. In South Africa, businesses in these and similar industries need to conform to strict regulatory standards, some of which are among the strictest globally.

Reverse osmosis (RO) is the process of forcing water through a semi-permeable membrane under tremendous pressure. The pressure pushes the water through the membrane but leaves harmful contaminants like calcium and magnesium behind. An advanced RO filtration system, linked to an adequate sedimentation system, may keep water purification levels up to 99.9% pure for these industries.

Where to Find Quality Water Filtration Systems

At WaterIcon, we are leaders in the water filtration and purification industry. With a footprint spanning deep into Sub-Saharan Africa, we cater to most industries from industrial and pharmaceutical to mining and other heavy industries. Whether you need to purify 10m3/h or 20ML/day, consider consulting with WaterIcon. We will investigate your needs, combine our national and international partnership skills, and advise on the best solutions at competitive prices.